Alejandra Miranda

“…This is the talk of the flower, the thuth of the blossom; The glory of eternal life is fully shining here.” - Zenkei Shibayama

I:Do you like your experience in lamondance during this time that happened? 
A: I do enjoy my experience in Lamondance, even though some times there are great obstacles to overcome, dancers have to keep nourishing not just the body, also the spirit.

I:What lamondance is providing you? 
A:Lamondance provides the opportunity to experience the life of a dancer in a safe environment. It provides an opportunity to develop your technique as well as your ability to perform and create. 

I:Do you see yourself in that profession in a few years? 
A:I honestly do not know what the future may hold for my career, but certainly I will keep dancing because is my biggest passion.

I:How do you think in a few years as a dancer?
A:I think as a dancer in the future I would like to find the right collaborators and artist to create and inspire people, or just create something that sill leave the audience with their hearts feeling something new.

Interviewed by Isabella Coutinho

Alex Wilkinson

"I would rather die of passion than of boredom." - Vincent van Gogh

G:What LAMONDANCE has influenced in your life?
A:Lamondance, more than anything, has shown me how to take care of my body. Bruises are more difficult to cover up than you'd think! 

G:What outcome you expect after this season of LAMONDANCE?
A:I hope to come out of my second season with Lamondance inspired, with a sense of professionalism. 

G:What most like to do in your personal life (day by day)?
A:Either lots of sleeping or none. There is no in between.

G:What is your biggest wish or dream and what size?
A:My biggest dream is to star in Broadway musicals! Dance is amazing, but it's even better when choreographed to "Razzle Dazzle" from Chicago. 

Interviewed by Gustavo Madubuike

Alex Shigetomi

"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the brightness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree. You still believe it to be a beautiful place." - Iain S Thomas!

A:What inspires you to keep dancing?
AS:”The people i'm surrounded by at dance inspire me all the time. The way we all move and the differences we all have is very interesting. Being inspired is such an amazing feeling and that's what keeps me going other than the love I have for dance."  

A:What do you hope to take away from your training with Lamondance?
AS:”You can always find training where ever you go, but finding a place that pushes you in ways to find yourself as an artist is hard to find. Lamondance pushes you to be original and find strength in your dancing. I know when I decide to move on I will not only be a better dancer but a better artist." 

A:What can you not live without?
AS:”Other than my family, probably my sweat pants. I know that might sound silly but after wearing body suits and tight  clothing all day, knowing you have some comfy sweat pants at home is so nice!"

A:If you could pursue a career in anything other than dance, what would you be? 
AS:”It's hard to imagine myself doing something other than dance because that's all I've ever wanted to do. But something that's always been important to me is the environment. So if I wasn't pursuing dance, I could see myself working with improving our environment and spreading awareness as my career."  

Interviewed by Alex Wilkinson 

Fernanda Faillace


"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -  George Bernard Shaw

J What do you do to keep your body always in fit?

F: I use to run a lot, but now I prefer to keep focused just on classes and rehearsals as a way to prevent injuries. So I double my attention about what I eat, not to be skinny, but to eat clean and healthy, and also to choose options that helps me To recover my body after all the exercises.

J In case, if you weren't a dancer, what  kind of professional would you like to be? 

F: Dance is my passion, and will be always my first option, but when I finished the high school I decided to keep law studies in parallel. I had to stop because of the high demand of dance schedules, but eventually I can continue the course, and probably in the future work at public service in Brazil.

J What do you hope about your future as a dancer? 

F: Being a dancer is my biggest dream, but I spend many years studying in the same school in order to finish a program. So for now I just want to get technical experience and baggage enough to get my first job. After that, I believe that doors will open more easily.

J Favourite musical artist and why.

F: I don't have a favourite music artist, but as I leave home so early I always like to listen songs that remind me of my parents and the place where I use to live. Songs like "The rain song" Led Zepellin, "Mistério do Planeta" Novos Baianos, and Pearl Jam's album "No Code" remind me those things.

Interviewed by Juan Duarte

Gustavo Madubuike

Gustavo Madubuike - "Our doubts are traitors and make us lose that often might win, by simple fear of risk.”- William Shakespeare

SK: What inspires you about Lamondance?
G: Lamondance inspires me to know that I will have the experience each day to be able to overcome my difficulties and limits - thus growing both personally and professionally!

SK: How did you develop a love for dance? When did you develop an interest in contemporary dance?
G:My love for dance developed when I was little and loved to dance no matter what the style. So when I turned twelve years old I joined the ballet and began to see with new eyes. My interest in contemporary began to emerge at sixteen years old from the moment my mind opened to new experiences and I realized contemporary needed to be trained into my body because today it is necessary to have a base of classical and contemporary ballet and I believe that this is necessary for a professional.

SK: What is a favourite hobby or a special interest of yours that is not dance related?
G: I love making new friends, listening to music, singing. I love to have fun anyway, with anything that makes me happy I'm in.

SK: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day, who would it be and why?
G: I would like to exchange a daily life with someone who has never known what it is to spend a day of need (e.g., a day without going through trouble). I would also like to spend a day rich, to know if it's good because I believe that it is, yeah!

Interviews by Sarah Klukas

Igor Gomes

Despite our shortcomings, we need to know that we are unique pearls in the theater of life and understand that there are not successful and unsuccessful people. Some of them will fight for their dreams and the other will let them go." Augusto Cury

KT: What is your best piece of advice for younger dancers?
I: To strive more everyday, always trying to be better than yourself.

KT: If you had not become a dancer, what might you be doing?
I: I never imagined how my life would be without dance. But if I was not a dancer I might volunteer with social projects. I like to help others! 

KT: What made you fall in love with dance?
I: Dance has always been present in my life. But my passion grew when I discovered contemporary dance. My eyes filled with magic after the first show that I watched. 

KT: What is your favourite past time?
I: In addition to dance, I like reading. Books bring me knowledge to life.

Interviewed by Kat Trainor

Juan Duarte

"Integrity, inspiration are the facts that made me chose dance as my career, because this profession takes a long time. To challenge and be challenging, my dreams are bigger than anything else. So if you believe it you can do it." Juan Duarte

F: When was your first contact with dance?
J: I started to dance so young, in "Juninas party" so after my teacher told my mother about my future talent then I started to take jazz classes in my school.

F: What are your ambitions as a dancer?
J: I’m graduated recently in Contemporary dance, but I know that I'm too young to joy dance companies, so I want to keep joining dance programs, improve my technique and after to become a real dancer, travel around the world.      

F: What is the best and the worst thing about living home so young?
J: The best thing is that nowadays I'm much more independent and I know about my responsibilities, it's really good, I know that I'm doing that because I really love to dance. The worst thing is know that my parents in some moments couldn't help me, because I'm too far, and I miss them lots! That's so sad, but choices are choices.

F: What do you like to do in your free time?
J: When I'm free I love go downtown and have fun, I like also to go shopping, taking pictures of beauty places and obviously rest of the tiring weeks that I have!

Interviewed by Fernanda Failace 

Kat Trainor 

"We all complain if it rains or it shines, but we're never mad at the moon." - The Head and the Heart

ST: What else are you passionate about other than dance? 
K: I love art, drawing and honeybees!

ST: If you were on a deserted island, which one would you rather? A. Your favourite food B. Your favourite song
K: I would choose my favourite song because I couldn't live without music. I could never sick of 'Swing Life Away' by Rise Against.

ST: What dancer inspires you?
K: I don't limit myself to have a single dancer inspire me. Instead, I enjoy learning from the dancers around me and letting their energy and creativity inspire me and encourage me to push past my personal best.

ST: What do you enjoy the most at Lamondance? 
K: I love the challenges that Lamondance provides for me and the encouragement and support I get from the other company members. 

Interviews by Sarah Tse

Kiona Graham

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer

I: What motivated you to join Lamondance?
K: When Lamondance season 1 began, I was only still in elementary school at RNB Dance and Theatre Arts. I was lucky to have the experience watching the dancers throughout the years. It has always been a dream of mine to graduate from RNB and to begin dancing with Lamon. The company therefore was a huge motivation for my training and I am thrilled to be apart of season 7.

I: What makes you believe that Lamondance will bring you good professional growth?
K: Lamondance provides us with amazing training, creative learning and performance opportunities, all in a professional environment. I believe this discipline is providing myself with more insight and sophistication leading me to good professional growth. 

I: What are your plans for the future?
K: I’m not quite sure, to be honest. I plan to continue my post secondary education in Business within the next few years. As for dance, it will always have a place in my heart and I wish to continue dancing if it doesn’t conflict with school. I also plan to continue teaching dance this upcoming year.

I: In addition to dance, what else motivates you in life?
K: I aim to be an open-hearted person. I believe happiness and positive energy brings a person motivation to a more zesty thrilling life. I’m thankful for my friends and family for all the support they bring me, as well as the ambitious adventures we pan out together! 

Interviewed by Igor Gomes

Sarah Klukas

“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” - C.S Lewis

AS: When things aren't going you're way at dance or if you have ever received some sort of rejection , how do you keep the motivation to keep going? 
SK: Good question! I often find that my love for dance and the art form itself will overpower any negative feelings I have. When I've been rejected in the past, I like to think of other options and opportunities I can pursue. In addition, the fact that I took some years off of dance while completing a university degree helped! I think I see dance as a major gift now because of that. So when things aren't going my way, I try to remain grateful and keep myself grounded. I love dance and that is what motivates me!

AS: What is another passion of yours besides dance? 
SK: Another passion of mine that is not dance related.... hmm. Well, one thing that I can think of is the fact that I'm a Christian and I'm passionate about my faith. It is a very important part of my everyday life! I am also passionate about the environment, and food! I love eating, and try to eat in a way that helps the environment out and doesn't hurt it. I also love sushi, going to coffee shops, and the beach. That's it!

AS: What is your favourite part about Lamondance? 
SK: I love being a part of Lamondance! I enjoy working on new choreography and being a part of the creation process. I really appreciate the opportunity to work with many talented teachers and choreographers, and to be trained in my technique and artistry. I also enjoy improvisation, and getting to be creative in the studio. Also the people! I think I just listed everything about Lamondance, but it is very hard to pick just one thing. I think I love the overall experience, and I'm very thankful for it.

AS: Was there ever a dance teacher that really inspired you or had a big impact on you while growing up?
SK: Oh my goodness. There are too many! As a teacher now, I have so much respect for my teachers that taught me while I was growing up. The ones that impacted me the most were Lesley Benham and Janet Gittens from Deas Island Dance. Both of these teachers inspire my in the way they believed in me, pushed me to work to my best, and took an interest in my life. They are people who treat others with such respect and care. They are individuals who want to promote growth in others and I respect both of them immensely.

Interviewed by Alex Shigetomi

Sarah Tse

"Freedom lies in being bold" - Robert Frost

AM: What is your favourite part of the creation process, here at Lamondance?
ST: It's great that the choreographers really work one-on-one with you to challenge you within your technique and performance qualities. I really admire the teachers and choreographers for that. 
I particularly like it when the choreographers ask you to improvise in a certain section of their piece and they collaborate with you on developing something more that derives from the way your body naturally moves. It's always a great feeling of satisfaction that the work was created on you and you feel as if you have contributed to the creation process.

AM: What are some difficulties you had to face as a dancer these past two seasons?
ST: I would have to say self-doubt. I mainly trained in classical ballet prior to joining LMD last season so I had little experience with contemporary dance. I doubted my ability of adapting to the different styles that I was asked to perform. Through this process, I have learned so much and discovered a lot about myself.  Although I have become more confident through the nurturing environment that LMD provides, there is always that lack of assurance that lingers. 
I believe every dancer has their own level of self-doubt and that's what makes them a better dancer. We always want to better ourselves.

AM: Besides dance what other activity you really enjoy and why?
ST: I like to discover my inner Martha Stewart in my free time. I really enjoy baking and cooking. So if I'm not in a studio, I'm in a kitchen!

AM: What would be your ideal dance company to work in as a professional ?
ST: A company that would allow me to be myself as an artist and will push me to my fullest ability.

Interviewed by Alejandra Miranda